"Saudi Driving License Computer Test Questions" are set of easy and complicated questions. These are multiple choice questions and you must choose the correct answers among multiple available choices. Sometime the questions of Saudi driving computer test seem to be easy but when you go to select the correct answer you will face some problems as the available options will be almost identical or confusing. This test is very important to pass to proceed with your driving license in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After the government decision to introduce the "Saudi Driving Computer Test" now the people who are applying for new license are little bit worried about their test. Fist of all we must appreciate this step take by the government.It will play great role in increasing the road safety as we all know, that in KSA people are doing very rush driving and not taking care of rules and regulation up to great extent.
The reason of these carelessness is the lack of awareness about the driving rules, road marking and basic theory. Now the people are properly educated about the theory and then they are tested on computer to check whether they have learnt anything or not.
Some of the sample question of this test I am giving below just to give an idea to you about the nature of this test, but at the end of this article I will give you complete set of questions with answers which you can prepare in two hours time easily and pass your computer driving test with more than 90 percent marks.As the test questions are selected among those questions. The sample questions are
The reason of these carelessness is the lack of awareness about the driving rules, road marking and basic theory. Now the people are properly educated about the theory and then they are tested on computer to check whether they have learnt anything or not.
Some of the sample question of this test I am giving below just to give an idea to you about the nature of this test, but at the end of this article I will give you complete set of questions with answers which you can prepare in two hours time easily and pass your computer driving test with more than 90 percent marks.As the test questions are selected among those questions. The sample questions are
- If you stop on Emergency basis on a one way road, at what distance you will keep the safety triangle?
- If you are proceedings fast towards traffic signal and suddenly the signal became yellow from green then what you will do ?
- what is the meaning of these marking on the road? (an image of road will be given)
- The drivers license is suspended when the black points reaches to ?
- If you are overtaking a vehicle on a one way road and the vehicle from which you are trying to overtake starts increasing its speed then what you will do ?
- To maintain the safe distance from the vehicle which is moving ahead from you , which rule you must follow ?
Thanking you.
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